Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mapping Your Future


This article is about the career, cartography.It is basically the art of making maps. Cartographers are the people who have to make these maps so that they are up to date. Most people in this world think that mapmaking is ancient and isn't really a growing industry.... I know I thought so. They use tools like, the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to gather information about the landscape.
I personally think that I would not be interested in something like this. It just seems a little too boring. It might be fun learning about different places but taking measurements and observations about the land isn't really my thing.


Amber Bahe said...

all i have to say is {WOW}...great summary on "Mapping Your Future"...i liked it...duce

CxR Scorpion said...

This kool i liked it to. you write pretty good unlike me you should come and check it out.... but i really agree wit chu cause dang it that map making stuff ant my thing neither... but yup peace!!!

prpmeetsgbk said...

Good summary............and Cheers! to FRiday!!!

X to the O
