Friday, October 5, 2007

Remote Access

This article is about the differences between working at home and working for a business in the city. There are many obstacles that take place when you have a job in the city: traffic, time and unfortunate occurrences. When working at home it is a lot less stressful. Jacqueline Colligan is an example of someone who lives both lives. Some days she is always on the go and the slightest change in her schedule can ruin her whole day. Then there are her other days when she has a shorter and less stressful morning.

Do you think that you are a person to spend the day at home taking care of your own business? Some experts suggested that young people should have more office time to get their social itch started in the business world. Someone who is more of a people person should definitely continue to work in an office, rather than at home. People who have other schedules to work around(kids), are usually drawn a bit more towards the working at home thing.

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