Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Keyed Into Health Care

This article is about Being a medical transcriptionist.It is a job for someone who is definitely interested in the medical profession. They have to be a whiz on the computer and interested in language, biology, human anatomy, physiology. Tina Nesbitt, suggests that the most important skill to posses is accuracy. It is important to handle the medical documents with complete care and to be accurate about the information that is put into the documents.

An MT on the highway is a bit more critical. An MT needs to have Very sharp ears. This is because, when on the road, they MT's are given medical terms and have to be able to listen very carefully because they are expected to know or find out what it is that the doctors are saying. They also have to be able to look up information at the drop of a hat if they don't know what a word means.

I was once interested in the medical field, and still think about it sometimes, but it isn't something I would be happy with. I like helping people but, seeing them in pain is something I despise.

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