Friday, November 9, 2007

Carees in the Great Outdoors

This article is basically about... the careers in the great outdoors. The article suggests that the people who would be most interested in jobs that take place in the great outdoors are those people who do enjoy spending there time in nature... doing activities and just admiring their surroundings.

Some careers include being a park ranger and, a wilderness instructor and a turf manager. A park ranger leads adventure hikes, runs science and nature programs and goes around and answer the visitor's questions.You really do have to have a love for nature and animals in order to love this job...and of course being a people person would help a lot.

A wilderness instructor spends a lot of time leading expeditions through mountains, rivers, canyons, and sometimes deserts. it is said that this job takes physical strength, emotional stamina and technical expertise.

A turf manager is responsible for the safety and playability of the stadium's grass field. It should be firm, dense, even and have no rocks, divots or slippery spots.

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