Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Keyed Into Health Care

This article is about Being a medical transcriptionist.It is a job for someone who is definitely interested in the medical profession. They have to be a whiz on the computer and interested in language, biology, human anatomy, physiology. Tina Nesbitt, suggests that the most important skill to posses is accuracy. It is important to handle the medical documents with complete care and to be accurate about the information that is put into the documents.

An MT on the highway is a bit more critical. An MT needs to have Very sharp ears. This is because, when on the road, they MT's are given medical terms and have to be able to listen very carefully because they are expected to know or find out what it is that the doctors are saying. They also have to be able to look up information at the drop of a hat if they don't know what a word means.

I was once interested in the medical field, and still think about it sometimes, but it isn't something I would be happy with. I like helping people but, seeing them in pain is something I despise.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Resume 101

This article is about getting an early start on making a resume while in high school. It is very beneficial to yourself if you get it done now, so that you aren't trying to remember things later... then as life goes on, you just keep adding your achievements and activities to your resume.

Some resume features include the essential and the optional. the essential stuff include things like: your name and contact information, educational background, work experience, academic experience, and other relevant skills. the optional stuff includes things such as: an objective or a job target, references(sometimes required on separate sheet of paper), and other personal interests.

One of the most important parts of your resume is making sure that you have made everything just perfect for yourself. It is absolutely vile that you proofread your resume. Some of the smallest errors may seem unprofessional. Maqke sure that you have someone review it before you submit it. Be sure that it is short and sweet. Use legible font. Print your resume on good paper so it looks neat. Remember to save a copy on a disc or other device.

Those are just some helpful hints. It really does help to have someone list out those things that you need on your resume. I am thankful that I have a copy of my own resume. It took a while, but it is well worth the effort when you have the finished product.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Carees in the Great Outdoors

This article is basically about... the careers in the great outdoors. The article suggests that the people who would be most interested in jobs that take place in the great outdoors are those people who do enjoy spending there time in nature... doing activities and just admiring their surroundings.

Some careers include being a park ranger and, a wilderness instructor and a turf manager. A park ranger leads adventure hikes, runs science and nature programs and goes around and answer the visitor's questions.You really do have to have a love for nature and animals in order to love this job...and of course being a people person would help a lot.

A wilderness instructor spends a lot of time leading expeditions through mountains, rivers, canyons, and sometimes deserts. it is said that this job takes physical strength, emotional stamina and technical expertise.

A turf manager is responsible for the safety and playability of the stadium's grass field. It should be firm, dense, even and have no rocks, divots or slippery spots.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Actually, I'm an Actuary

This article is for those students who are interested in finding a job that deals with mathematics. This personally caught my attention because I am one of those students. The job is and Actuary. It is mostly with mathematics. It is considered on of the top five jobs in the U.S. because is it beneficial to the future economy. It helps detect any financial consequences in the future.

Actuaries, don't just sit at a boring desk and work on problems... they actually have to work together and solve tricky problems in easy, practical solutions.

This job seems very appealing to me, because i have been seeking out for a job with those very specific details.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where Do I Go With Speech and Debate?

This article is about the many uses that speech and debate can do for you. It has many positive sides and not many negative sides. Speech and debate make it easier for one to be a lot more confident with themselves when introduced to situations where you are put on the spot. Speech and debate classes/activities can definitely get you ahead in jobs including, government, acting, sales, broadcasting, law, speechwriting, public relations, counseling and corporate training. The skills that are learned from speech and debate are all helpful in all of these areas... especially in life, itself.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Setting Her Sites

This article is about Robin Liss who became her own boss, as a chief executive officer of her own company. She started in high school and continued on through college. She began by building websites for her own enjoyment with the help of a book as her guide. She turned her hobby of making Claymation videos with her own camcorder into a real business when she found out how much interest she was gaining from the outside world. Now she also runs sites that review digital cameras, cellphones, and printers. She is the youngest CEO in the company. She states that... "If you work hard, and you are made of what you say, then your employees will respect you."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Working on the Railroad

This article is about life for Sharon Carlquist, while working on the railroad. Sharon is a conductor for Metro North Railroad, a train that commutes thousands of people everyday between New York City and Connecticut. She works four hours in the morning, gets fours off, then puts in her last four hours for the day. This job requires a lot of people skills: collecting tickets and fares, answering passengers' questions and ensuring the passengers' safety. Conductors also coordinate the crew's activities, signal the engineers and make sure that the train is working properly.

If you do have an interest in being railroad conductor, then some helpful courses to take would be: electronics, math and having some technical and electrical skills. One other helpful thing, would be, getting to know some people in the business; try attending fairs and see counselors who would be willing to introduce you to people in your dept. of study.

Monday, October 22, 2007

E- Learning

This article is about electronic learning. Electronic learning(e-learning) is a way to gain college credit over the internet. It is a way for students who have a more demanding schedule, to take classes and work around their schedule so that they aren't making a schedule to work around their classes.

There are two types of E-classes. There is the Synchronous classes and the Asynchronous classes. the Synchronous classes are the classes that allow the teacher and the students to log on at a prearranged time and therefore conducting class through chat rooms or streaming video. Asynchronous classes allow students to log on anytime and during an assigned time frame to turn in and receive assignments, take tests, or post message boards.

The only question that this article leaves you with is.... " Is e-learning for you?" This article suggests that people who are easily determined to focus on the studies and are able to take attention to work on their own, can be successful with e-learning, but people who are easily distracted and prefer to work in a classroom setting, are better situated in a classroom.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Remote Access

This article is about the differences between working at home and working for a business in the city. There are many obstacles that take place when you have a job in the city: traffic, time and unfortunate occurrences. When working at home it is a lot less stressful. Jacqueline Colligan is an example of someone who lives both lives. Some days she is always on the go and the slightest change in her schedule can ruin her whole day. Then there are her other days when she has a shorter and less stressful morning.

Do you think that you are a person to spend the day at home taking care of your own business? Some experts suggested that young people should have more office time to get their social itch started in the business world. Someone who is more of a people person should definitely continue to work in an office, rather than at home. People who have other schedules to work around(kids), are usually drawn a bit more towards the working at home thing.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Building Pages

This article is about Alison Walsh who is a web site producer who is responsible for maintaining The She is the person on the other side of the website. She updates and produces the content that is shown on her website and makes sure that the website runs smoothly. She does some coding in HTML and also in the computer language. she uses software like Photoshop and Flash to design the website. On a typical day she will either design new characters for her website or even just update the fan and information on her website. She stays involved with other workers and isn't quite so sedated. There are many things to do considering that the digital world is evolving so rapidly. Sometimes it gets stressful.... but what job doesn't.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Protect the Digital Frontier

This article is about cyberspace. It talks about the different interferences and dangers for our national security that lie ahead in the future for our country. The cyber world is capable of a lot of things and there are people out there who can provoke so much of the bad that it can do. Hackers and specialists are capable of these things. They are able to create viruses, bots and worms inside computers and computer programing, in basically any area. Most of these damages cost the businesses, networks and agencies millions of dollars. Now the nation is looking to the future for people who are willing to protect the national security. There are also FBI agents, specialists and analysts who are there to capture the people responsible for hacking into top secret information. We look to a digital future... now we just need to find better ways to protect it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

'Net Working

This article is about one of the easiest ways to find a job... networking through the internet. The internet is probably the most valuable tool that you can use when trying to find a job. There are several place you can go on the internet to get yourself known to the people who you think are an asset to your career. The places where are you can go are: Myspace,, Message Boards and Blogging. These sites give a chance for the employer to get a look at the type of person that you are and get a sense at what you are looking for. It is important to to keep track of the information that you share. DON'T GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! It is very important to stay professional and not let your personal life get in the way with you professional life.Keep everything appropriate.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Jacob's Cool Computer Program

This article is about Jacob who is only a teenager at the age of 15. He has had an interest in computers ever since he was a child of 5. He began writing computer programs then and at age 8, he began taking computers apart and putting them back together. At age nine he was given word from his sister that a her school was throwing away many computers. Jacob decided to fix them all up. That is where he developed a successful idea... distributing these newly refurbished computers to families in his own hometown. Now Jacob has a plan to send these computers, not only to his hometown people, but also to prison inmates... so they can develop the skills that may one day help them get a job in the real world.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Passing On the Test

This article was about Students who were stressing about taking there ACT and SAT tests, for college admissions. The good news is that some colleges don't require taking the these tests; they base their admissions mostly on the their high school grades, extracurricular activities and difficulty of classes. One school that is included in those colleges and universities is Arizona State University.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Where Do I Go With Biology???

Biology is the study of life and people who major in biology, biologists, want to help extend the life for all living things. To actually have a great career as a biologist, you would need a thorough understanding of science and math and you would have to have great communication skills.

There are different jobs out there for biologists, inside and outside the lab. Outside the lab you have Genetic Counselors, Science/Technical Editors, Environmental Lawyers, Nurses, and of course... Science Teachers. The biologists who work inside the lab and are doing tremendous research are... Pathologists, Oncologists, Immunologists, Industrial Biologist, Biotechnologists, Bioinformatics and microbiologists. Then there is of course the the people who work with nature and in nature like... a natural resource specialist, wildlife specialist, and park rangers.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ecology by Design

This article is about a fashion major from, new York's Fashion Institute, Jenny Hwa. She believes in clothing made good, that also is friendly to the environment. She works with some of the top clothing companies but she felt that they weren't fulfilling needs to the environment. She researched for fabrics and techniques to get her image of helping the environment started. After so much work, she finally had a break and her goal is accomplished... making dresses, tops and swim wear.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This article is about creativity. It puts out there that creativity is not a gene, it isn't unique and isn't hard to accomplish... it is in everyone, even at times when they don't even know they are being creative. The article proves many myths about creativity are wrong. Myths like: Creativity is only found in the arts; Only geniuses are creative; Being creative won't improve your life and creative people are loners. Creativity isn't a one person thing, sometimes it takes other people to provoke an idea that you haven't already had. Being creative also gives you an edge to be more devoted to your work. If you have a goal to finish an idea that you started, then creativity is on key aspect to get you to your finishing point.

Major-ly Unique

This article is about three different majors which are unique at this time. Only few schools have these majors. Majoring in organic agriculture, toy designing and equestrian studies is somewhat out of the ordinary, but these students love doing what they were taught to do. They take different classes to stay within the field in which they want to study and are even given hands on experience during their senior year, to complete a thesis.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Careers On Delivery... U.S Postal Service

This article is about the different career opportunities in the U.S. Postal system. It isn't just a type of delivery thing. All that is required to get hired is a high school diploma and an the passing of and entrance exam. The different jobs that are available are the: carriers, a mail processing clerk, the mail handler, and the sales, services and distribution associates. To be a part of this career opportunity opens up many other opportunities within. The U.S.Postal services does tend to promote workers as they grow experience and improve their skills.

I guess I wouldn't mind working for the U.S. Postal services. The thing I would hate to experience would be all of those paper cuts. Yee!!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What's New , Interview?

This article is about interviews. It tells you how to handle certain interview situations and also tells you the type of interviews that there are. There is the traditinal interview, the technological interview, the work interview, the stress interview and the behavioral/ situational interview. The idea for all of these interviews is always be ready for anything and be sure to be yourself at all times. Don't get frustrated or overly nervous, have questions to ask of your own and always keep eye contact with you questioneer.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mapping Your Future


This article is about the career, cartography.It is basically the art of making maps. Cartographers are the people who have to make these maps so that they are up to date. Most people in this world think that mapmaking is ancient and isn't really a growing industry.... I know I thought so. They use tools like, the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to gather information about the landscape.
I personally think that I would not be interested in something like this. It just seems a little too boring. It might be fun learning about different places but taking measurements and observations about the land isn't really my thing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Making the Grade

Teaching a class is said to be over whelming but rewarding... says Zebulum Dikins, He explains that his passion for being a teacher started back from high school, when a teacher gave him inspiration. He too, wanted to make other people feel inspired.
He explains that on his first day of teaching his own class, it was full of nervousness. Who wouldn't be... having anywhere between 15-26 pairs of eyes all looking at you to show them the next best thing in learning. Evidently he has thought of the next best thing in learning. As a teacher he thought that music and rapping is a good way to install everyday text book learnings into the minds of young children.
Of course there were the ups and down of the job... laughing with the children, and grading the children. He says that he has the toughest time grading the children. He wants to inspire the kids to do well on their work by bumping up their grade a smidgen, but also wants to be fair to the children who do, do their best at working.

What I think

I think that is good to know that there are still good teachers out there who do want to inspire children to learn... instead of teachers who just want a paycheck. I like the fact that these new teachers are able to think up new and interesting ways to grab the attention of the students' minds. I like this article.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Auto Motivated... I like that!


This article that I read about is about a girl who achieved her dream career. She is an example of how people can make their dreams and fantasies come true. I hope to be one of those people, someday. Her dream was to be a vehicle design engineer: my dream is to be a chemical engineer... there isn't much difference. She works as a GM designer and helped design the Saturn Aura, which was the car of the year in 2007 at the North American international Auto Show. She deserves it, especially because she is a minority woman. That is very recognizable to society these days.

The benefit that I got from reading this article is that I could believe that I could someday fulfill my dream. It is there, it does exist and I am going to complete it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

In My Web Design Class....

So far in my web design we have worked with the internet and getting familiar with Photoshop. When we used the internet, we used different sites like: netvibes, blogger and google. All of these places were new to me. I thought that that was interesting.

I am totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, but now I have somewhat of an idea about the types of images it can produce and fix. I think that working with Photoshop has definately been a learning experience. I like working with Photoshop.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let's Go All the Way

Insane Clown Posse - Lets go all the way
Uploaded by darkcrow7

This is one of my favorite Videos by Insane Clown Posse.

Yesterday in class we were supposed to create a text image that looked like it was shiny. I made the word Juggalette. It wasn't easy because there are a lot of things that I don't know about photoshop. I liked creating this project, like many other that we had done.

Monday, August 27, 2007

My Weekend

For my weekend, I went to Phoenix to stay with my brother and sister. My whole family got together and we had a dinner to celebrate everyone's birthday. It was for the people who had birthdays in July and August.That is what i did on Friday night.

On Saturday I browsed around with my mother and my nephew. we met my sister and then went to go eat lunch. My nephew was asking for pizza, so we ate pizza. We stayed home for the rest of the afternoon. I hung out with a friend during that evening. I got home and then went to sleep.

On Sunday i spent the morning getting ready to return home. We were supposed to leave early, but as always.... it didn't happen. We drove to Flagstaff, then we returned home. I was happy to be home!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

What To Do With My Future

My future is totally up to me. What I want to do, where I want to go and who I want to see... at least that is what I thought. I wanted to go afar as a young child but now, I am confused about where to go to college: maybe here, maybe there.

What to do?
I have made made my mind on what to do for the rest of my life. Deciding to be a chemical engineer, took a lot of research. I first was determined to be an engineer, but just didn't know what kind of an engineer to be: mechanical, electrical, biomedical, biochemical etc. It was all to hard. So one day I signed up to go to Arizona State University , to an engineering conference. They showed us all the engineering majors and I was told that chemical engineering was a mixture of all the engineering groups, plus they are the highest paid engineers. That is what I plan to do.

Where to go?
I have always wanted to go to an ivy league school. I spent three summers on the east coast and I didn't enjoy it very much. I realized that it didn't matter where I went to school, just as long as the school fits the needs that I want it to have. I have to feel comfortable, at home and be around good professors and students. I made my decision. I am going to stay near home and be close to friends and family. I am going to go to school at Arizona State University.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Feeling SO MUCH BETTER!!!!

Today, I have been feeling so much better than yesterday. Still a little stressed, but who isn't these days. I had fun yesterday. I didn't do much, but I still know how to have a good time without my friends. I have been worried about one of my friends though. She tries to hide her feeling about things going on in her life...and she can do that really good, but I am just waiting for her to come to me or someone for a little bit of help. Hopefully it will all work out in the end though.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Hate Bad Days!!!!... with passion

Yesterday was really stressful. Today is too. I've got a lot on my mind and I just don't feel much in the mood for anything. I can't wait for the weekend to come because I just feel like getting away from everyone so I can think or just forget about everything and just have some fun. Maybe i will feel better tomorrow. I hope so. Wish me luck!!! :~(
Much Clown Luv
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yesterday, was an unusual day. my friends and I got out of class and had no ride. So... we caught a ride with Dexter. We didn't know what was in store for us. It was a very thrilling ride but i got home safely. Next time I got to be sure i know who is coming with Dexter, before I let them take me home.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My First Blog

Today, I started out my day good by presenting my powerpoint. I talked mainly about myself and my summer. I included my friends and teachers from the summer. I am really starting to miss everyone. Now i am just thinking about my upcoming summer and the places that I just might go to: Chicago, New York and Mexico. I can't wait!!!!
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